Lift Up & Encourage

Live in the moment and cherish the little things this season

By: Sean Goldsworthy

OU NEVER WANT TO HEAR THE NEWS that reverberated through the hockey community this past July. A tragic and avoidable car accident that took the lives of two promising young athletes and even more promising humans really makes you stop and reflect.

Tragedy has a funny effect that way—but it’s a shame it takes that for us to take a step back.

I was fortunate to coach Mack Motzko for about a year and a half at Minnetonka after he and his family moved from St. Cloud. I’d heard nothing but good things about Mack as a player and as a person. Instantly, I could see why his reputation preceded him. He was someone special to be around.

Mack made me a better coach, but more importantly, a better father and person. He treated everyone with respect and was extremely unselfish, showing excellent leadership traits. I have always joked that my daughters cannot date a hockey player, however, I can only pray that they will marry a man with a loyal, kind, genuine heart like Mack’s.

Unfortunately, this past summer we had two teammates lose an older brother. I have been so impressed by the love and support that our parents and players have shown surrounding both families. We will continue to support both players in a consistent, steadfast manner. From what I have witnessed, I have full confidence that our program will respond appropriately. We try to create a culture that lives in the moment.

Unfortunately, we live in a society where the next thing takes priority. That, in turn, often removes the present tense. I want our players to enjoy today’s practice, game, and season with their best friends.

We try to make it intentional to be in the present by reducing the amount of outside distractions in our time together. Team bonding is not only important to the success of the team, but I believe it’s important to the building of strong characters and good young men.

At the end of each practice, our players briefly meet to do an exercise that I learned years ago from a former football coach called Lift Up and Encourage. The exercise is designed to help foster chemistry. It’s an opportunity for one player to acknowledge something positive about another teammate. It can be a simple gesture on the ice, a skill improved or a random occurrence from the day. Usually, the notes of positivity aren’t even about hockey.

With the Lift Up and Encourage commitment, we have found that it creates a genuine value and respect for each teammate, but also keeps our players in the present day.

Because to honor Mack and Sam Schuneman, living in the present and making the most of each day we’re given is the least we can do.

Sean Goldsworthy is the boys’ varsity coach at Minnetonka High School.


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